
ergo 800,900 protocol

发表于 2024-01-22 zhangxinwei
Version: 05/02 69 er900 Operation Manual
Transmission Protocol :
Command from PC Response Description
(ECG) from er900
W xxx --- Sets a load target of xxx Watts.
L xxx --- Sets load increment to xxx Watts per minute. (The load will be
increased in 1 Watt steps over the period of one minute.)
A xxx --- Sets the initial load Po (load value to start of ergometry ) to xxx in
P xxx --- Sets the maximum pulse rate to xxx per min. (Only makes sense
for pulse steady state training.)
S --- Start of blood pressure measurement at rest with subsequent
start of ergometry with initial load Po.
s --- Start of ergometer with the initial load Po without a prior Po
blood pressure measurement at rest.
B B xxx Query for current load.
Output of current load in W.
D n xxx Query for current rpm value.
Output of current rpm value in 1/min.
Query for current heart rate.
H H xxx Output of current heart rate in 1/min.
Query for current systolic value.
O O xxx Output of current systolic value in mmHg.
Query for current diastolic value.
U U xxx Output of current diastolic value in mmHg.
F --- End of ergometry process (should be sent three times ).
I 0900P10VXXX- Identification string of the ergometer. The string contains the device type
0900-,ECG interface protocol - P10 - and software version number - Vxxx

Service Manual Ergometer
Interface Protocol System 800
Version: 09/02 1 Interface Protocol: System er800
Command from Return Description
PC (ECG) from er800S
W xxx --- Desired load is set to xxx watts.
L xxx --- Load increment is set to xxx watts
(for load increment algorithm, refer to Operation Manual)
A xxx --- Initial load Po is set to xxx Watt
(for load value at start of ergometry).
P xxx --- Pulse limit (= training pulse) is set to xxx /min
(only required for pulse-steady-state training).
S --- - 1. command: Start of ergometry with initial load Po
s - each further command : stop of on-going ergometry
B B xxx Request for current load value,
return of current load value in watts.
D n xxx Request for current RPM value,
return of current RPM value in 1/min.
H H xxx Request for current heart rate,
return of current heart rate in 1/min





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