
CSAFE protocol

发表于 2024-01-23 zhangxinwei
CSAFE 是一种通信协议,用于连接健身设备(如踏车、划船机、跑步机等)和计算机、显示器或其他外部设备。它提供了一组指令和数据格式,用于控制和监测健身设备的功能、获取健身数据以及与外部设备进行数据交换。

CSAFE 协议在健身行业广泛使用,并且被许多健身设备制造商所支持。通过 CSAFE 协议,外部设备可以与健身设备进行双向通信,实现诸如控制运动模式、调整阻力级别、读取心率数据等功能。

CSAFE 协议使用串行通信,通常通过 RS-232 或 USB 接口进行物理连接。通信使用特定的指令格式和数据包结构,可以通过发送命令和接收响应来实现与健身设备的交互。

对于开发基于 CSAFE 协议的应用程序或与 CSAFE 兼容的设备,你可以参考 CSAFE 协议规范和相关文档,了解具体的指令和数据格式。此外,一些健身设备制造商可能提供针对其设备的特定文档和开发工具,以帮助你进行开发和集成。

总的来说,CSAFE 踏车协议是一种用于健身设备的通信协议,它使得外部设备可以与踏车等健身设备进行通信和控制。

Status Request Commands
The following status request commands are supported. These commands are used to acquire data 
about the machine’s performance, and the user’s performance during an exercise session.
CSAFE Command and 
Hex Representation
CSAFE States Comments
empty CSAFE frame all Responds with the current CSAFE state, as well as an 
indication of whether or not the previously received 
frame was accepted.
80H GetStatus all Responds with the current CSAFE state.
91H GetVersion all Manufacturer: 1, i.e. Precor. CID: 2. Model, Version, 
Release, and Additional bytes are all per the product.
92H GetID Have ID Responds with user ID entry.
93H GetUnits all Responds with units setting.
94H GetSerial all Responds with data associated with set serial number 
command. If a serial number has not been entered, 
responds with all zeros. Note that the number of digits 
in the serial number is either 10 or 13, depending on the 
98H GetList all Responds with data associated with UpList command. 
An UpList command must have been received before 
this command is received.
99H GetUtilization all Responds with hour meter value, same as what is 
displayed in diagnostics.
9AH GetMotorCurrent all For (TBD) treadmills only, responds with the current 
currently being drawn by the belt motor, in (TBD) units.
9BH GetOdometer all Responds with odometer value, same as what is 
displayed in diagnostics.
9CH GetErrorCode all (TBD)
9DH GetServiceCode all (TBD)
A0H GetTWork all Responds with the total exercise session time. This 
command is supported during a session and after a 
session is complete; the value is retained until another 
session is started, but NOT through a power cycle.
A1H GetHorizontal all Responds with the total exercise session horizontal 
distance. This command is supported during a session 
and after a session is complete; the value is retained 
until another session is started, but NOT through a 
power cycle.
A2H GetVertical all Responds with the total exercise session vertical 
distance. This command is supported during a session 
and after an session is complete; the value is retained 
until another session is started, but NOT through a 
power cycle.





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@2015-2023 最精简的解释,来自于自然、来自于生活
