
ADC0831CCN usage

发表于 2023-12-29 zhangxinwei
The ADC0831CCN is an 8-bit Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) from Texas Instruments. It converts an analog input voltage to a digital output, making it suitable for interfacing analog sensors with digital microcontrollers. To connect the ADC0831CCN to the STC89C52 microcontroller, follow these guidelines:

Power Connections:

Connect Pin 8 (VCC) of ADC0831CCN to the power supply's positive voltage (usually +5V).
Connect Pin 4 (GND) of ADC0831CCN to the ground of the power supply.
Analog Input:

Connect Pin 5 (IN+ / VREF) of ADC0831CCN to the analog voltage signal you want to measure.
Connect Pin 6 (IN- / AGND) of ADC0831CCN to ground if you are measuring a single-ended signal.
Digital Output:

Connect Pin 3 (OUT) of ADC0831CCN to one of the digital input pins (P0, P1, P2, P3) on the STC89C52.
Control Signals:

Connect Pin 1 (CS) of ADC0831CCN to a digital output pin on the STC89C52 (for chip select, use a pull-up resistor).
Connect Pin 2 (WR) of ADC0831CCN to a digital output pin on the STC89C52 (for write, use a pull-up resistor).
Connect Pin 7 (CLK) of ADC0831CCN to a digital output pin on the STC89C52 (for clock, use a pull-up resistor).
Here's a simple example code snippet to read data from ADC0831CCN:


sbit CS = P1^0;  // Chip select
sbit WR = P1^1;  // Write
sbit CLK = P1^2; // Clock
sbit DOUT = P1^3; // Data output

unsigned char readADC() {
    unsigned char result = 0;
    CS = 0;   // Chip select
    WR = 0;   // Start conversion

    // Clock in the result
    for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
        CLK = 1;
        result = (result << 1) | DOUT;
        CLK = 0;

    WR = 1;   // End conversion
    CS = 1;   // Deselect ADC
    return result;

void main() {
    unsigned char adcValue;

    while (1) {
        adcValue = readADC();
        // Process adcValue as needed

        // Your application logic here





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